One of the tools that people search for whenever they are thinking about the different tools that they need to make their work easier is a distance measurer. In the past, people had to measure distance the hard way but the appearance of various tools has made it possible for people to measure distances easily. It is important for people to find a tool that is made with the best quality and will also be accurate enough to give the right measurements every time. When people are searching for the best products, they will probably come across some Bosch products. The Bosch GLM 40, Bosch GLM 50 and Bosch GLM 80 may all seem similar but they have differences as well. Which one should you choose; you should read this article to find out.
Bosch GLM 40
The Bosch GLM 40 is able to measure around 1.55mm and 140ft. range. There are different measuring modes that you can use in order to do some of the tasks. Since there are different modes of measuring, there are also different units that are available. This comes with its own carrying case which makes it easy for people to bring this everywhere.
Advantages of Bosch GLM 40
- Like mentioned earlier, there are various measuring modes that are available. There are four measuring modes to be exact. The four measuring modes are length, continuous length, area and volume. Due to the different measuring modes, the different units are ches, decimal, feet andches and decimal meter.
- There are some reports that it can also give measurement regarding fractions which can also make certain jobs easier. It seems that this is not promoted by the brand though and people will just know about it together with a load of other features once they learn more about the product.
- The warranty of the Bosch GLM 40 is also pretty good. In fact, for those who would not want to buy unless there is a warranty, this may be the perfect product to use because of the two year warranty.
Disadvantage of Bosch GLM 40
- The main disadvantage of the Bosch GLM 40 is that they have not yet updated the models that they have released because there are some reports that they have checked the warranty of the item and the item number was not listed on the site. This can become a problem if in case something goes wrong with the product and it cannot be repaired or replaced.
Bosch GLM 50
- One of the best things about the Bosch GLM 50 is that it is very simple. The moment that I have laid my eyes on it, I thought that I would have to learn about so many things but I was surprised when I saw the simple controls. In about half an hour, I was able to memorize the controls and what each control does.
- Measures right to 16th of an inch. Almost all of the other digital measurers that can be found in the market can claim the same thing but with the Bosch GLM 50, people can be sure that this is true. The measurements will be up to 16th of an inch.
- The display like the Bosch GLM 40 is backlit. This makes it easy to use whenever there are some spaces that would have to be measured even when there is not enough light.
Disadvantage of the Bosch GLM 50
- The only advantage that can be said about the Bosch GLM 50 is that there are two identical red buttons that look almost identical. It can be confusing especially for people who are always rushing. One of the identical buttons is used for turning the item on and off while the other one is in charge of starting the process of measurement.
Bosch GLM 80
- First and foremost, the range of the GLM 80 is better than the range measurement of the GLM 40 and 50. The GLM 80 can measure up to 80m compared to the 50m that the other models can measure in one go.
- The GLM 80 is also a bit smaller and lighter than the two earlier models. This is the main reason why there are some people who like this better because it is narrower. There are some though that prefers the feel of the GLM 50 because they think that it fits their hand better. It will all depend on people’s preference.
- The memory of the GLM 80 is also much higher than the GLM 50 and the GLM 40. In fact memory is not applicable in the GLM 50. For those who would need a lot of memory to save various measurements, the GLM 80 may be the best choice.
Disadvantage of the Bosch GLM 80
- The main disadvantage of the Bosch GLM 80 is that Bosch has also made some tools that can make the Bosch GLM 80 more effective than ever but they do not come together with the package which means that people would still have to spend extra money to get those items. It would be hassle free if the items will already come complete when the Bosch GLM 80 is purchased.
For people who are still confused about the right item to choose. The GLM 40 is used for very basic measurements. Those who would need the tool just to make measurements around the house easier to do may make use of this product. The GLM 50 can already be used by professionals especially because it is also reliable but the GLM 80 may be the best option when it comes to using the product professionally. Any type of establishment or place can be measured better with the use of the GLM 80.
Click here to purchase Bosch GLM40 on Amazon!
Click here to purchase Bosch GLM 50 on Amazon!
Click here to purchase Bosch GLM 80 on Amazon!